Curtain Call’s Shakespeare on the Green

Performances: July 11 – 21
Auditions APRIL 22, 23 & 24 / 7PM TO APPROXIMATELY 9PM

Synopsis: Lucentio and other suitors are pursuing the beautiful dame Bianca, whom cannot wed until the her “intrinsic” older sister, Katherine, is married. Unfortunately her spirit, for lack of a better word, is preventing such an event from taking place. In desperation Bianca’s suitors encourage, the just as wild and free, Pertruchio to suit, court, and “tame” Katherine, so Bianca can be free. Love, intrigue, and a more than a few laughs are in store; this is for sure a production you do not want to miss!

ALL ROLES OPEN – Many roles are not gender dependent.

Please prepare a brief Shakespearean monologue or sonnet (memorization not required).


Katherina  Female presenting. 18-35
The shrew; she is a passionate, witty, and fiery young woman with a sharp tongued. She is hostile to everyone, especially to the people who try to marry her. Daughter of Baptista Minola, a very wealthy noble.
Petruchio Male presenting. 18-37
A macho-man; eccentric, arrogant, brave, and quick-witted. Wishes to wed a woman with a large dowry.
Bianca  Female presenting. 18-30
Innocent, delicate, sweet, soft-spoken, and fair; the youngest daughter of Baptista and opposite of her sister. Has many suitors, but cannot marry until Kate weds first.
Lucentio  Male presenting. 18-37
Was supposed to go to Padua to study, but he falls in love with Bianca and his plans to study get postponed. He disguises himself as a classics instructor named Cambio, and convinces Gremio to offer him to Baptista as a tutor for Bianca. He wins her love, but his impersonation gets him into trouble when his father, Vincentio, visits Padua.

Baptista   All Genders. 18+
One of the wealthiest men in Padua. He is very superficial and absent-minded; he is desperate to find Kate a husband.

Traino   All Genders. 18-40
The best wingman in Shakespearean history. He is Lucentio’s servant who accompanies Lucentio. Clever and comical. He plays an important part in his master’s charade: he assumes Lucentio’s identity and bargains with Baptista for Bianca’s hand.

Gremio   Male presenting. 18+
Frustrated by the rejection of Bianca; a bit creepy; he insists on his advances, even if he knows it’s not going to happen.
Pedant  All Genders. 18+
A puppet, He will do anything to save himself.

Tranio Lucentio      Hortensio Gremio      Biondello Baptista     Petruchio Katharina

Page updated 4/20/24