On the Spot: Comedy and Improv for Kids, Grades 3 to 5
Instructor: Tony Republicano
Saturdays, 11:30am to 12:45pm
9/23, 9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/18
*No class 11/11 (Veteran’s Day).
This is a skill-building and confidence-boosting class in acting and comedy basics, which helps to shed inhibitions, instill confidence in one’s own creative ideas and contributions, and helps develop teamwork and problem-solving skills. If you’ve got a talent and a love for making people laugh, this eight-week workshop is for you! Humor speaks to all personalities and is an effective way of channeling creativity to make poignant and relevant commentary. In this class, young actors will tap into their own creative ideas and instincts as they explore improv, sketches, physical comedy, parody and joke-telling! They’ll build confidence and teamwork as they learn to trust in themselves and their fellow actors, and recognize the difference between appropriate and inappropriate humor. Highlights of the students’ work have often been presented in a showcase for an invited audience at the end of the session if the class is comfortable. (Games and exercises are often varied from session to session for recurring students.)
Registration: $280 (10% off all eight-week registrations made thru September 1, 2023
Click here to register for On the Spot: Comedy & Improv for Kids, Grades 3 to 5.