1349 Newfield Ave, Stamford, CT 06905
We are closest to The Merritt Parkway, but easily reached from Interstate I-95 as well

From Interstate 95
Exit the highway at Exit 8, Elm Street.
Travelling SOUTHBOUND: Turn Right at the end of the ramp onto Elm Street
Travelling NORTHBOUND: Go straight three lights and turn Left under the highway onto Elm Street.
From here, your trip is just under 4 miles.
Follow Elm Street as it becomes Grove Street.
Continue on Grove Street as it becomes Strawberry Hill Ave. (pass Dunkin Donuts on left)
Continue on Strawberry Hill as it becomes Newfield Ave.
Pass the Newfield Green shopping center on your right. (“Grade A” supermarket, CVS)
About 1.4 miles from Newfield Green, you will pass the light at Weed Hill Ave.
(You will soon see the golf course on your right.)
The Sterling Farms Golf Course driveway is about 1/2 mile from the light, on the right.
(If you come to a traffic light after the golf course, you have gone too far.)
Follow the driveway all the way down to the stop sign, turn Left into the parking lot.
Park in the lower end of the parking lot near the driving ranges.
The Kweskin Theatre is a little down the hill and on the left.
The Dressing Room Theatre is a little further down the hill and on the right.
From the Merritt Parkway
Exit the parkway at Exit 35, rte 137, (High Ridge Road).
Travelling SOUTHBOUND: At the end of the ramp, turn Right toward Downtown Stamford.
Go under Parkway Bridge and turn Left at the light onto Buxton Farms Road.
Travelling NORTHBOUND: Go straight across the intersection onto Buxton Farms Road.
Once on Buxton Farms Road, a shopping center with Five Guys will be on your right.
Go to the stop sign and turn Right onto Turn of River Road
Go to the stop sign and turn Left onto Intervale Road— go up big hill.
At the top of the hill, at the light, turn Right onto Newfield Ave.
The Sterling Farms Golf Course driveway is the first left.
Follow the driveway all the way down to the second stop sign, turn Left into the parking lot.
Park in the lower end of the parking lot near the driving ranges.
The Kweskin Theatre is a little down the hill and on the left.
The Dressing Room Theatre is a little further down the hill and on the right.